some friendships can be bothered to salvage, but some just don't. afterall, you know some friends that come into your life they really bother you, listen you out and standby you. but i always told myself, they come and go. but why not make the effort to make them stay longer. noone loves to lose friends anyway. however, it still takes 2 hands to clap.
when you came into my life, and i thought 'hey, you know, this could be something' - boys like girls.
why do i feel that the karma is gonna hit me like anytime soon. i can sense that it's knocking on my door already. it's accumulating and getting stronger. i can't breathe, too much of karmas
this is so fucked up i've never been so down with luck before.
seriously, hits 101% of bad luck.
i think i better stay at home these few days.
in case, when i get out of my house
i get knock down by cars.
i get hit by flowerpot on the head.
i get fined by NEA.
or maybe i should stop doing any stuffs.
in case, i got chocked while eating.
or whatever.
what's with the world,
and what's with karma.
and sometimes i don't understand why people like to gain the credits so much.
and yet, i didn't make any single sound.