not yesterday & not today.
& definately not tomorrow.
so, i can only depend on friday.
eyecandy, you made my day.
hah! give me more motivations please.
hah, inmatured acts.
childish & nonsensical people.
does it really matter ?
is it very important ?
i see no point why people have to say such things.
and i totally can't believe it with my own eyes & ears.
haha, what a funny act.
it just one stupid small lil' thing,
people can kick such a big fuss over it.
i just don't understand why.
in life, as time passes by
you'll get to know more and more and more people.
often there'll always be people you tend to be closer to, and not.
they'll just walk in and out of your life.
this is what we call life.
people i just need you to understand this.
dont interfere others people life,
cover your own ass first before you want to cover others'.
* motivations, where've you been to ?