hellos. i've got the urge to blog now.
i'm happy and high for the half of my today. probably sweets make me feel happy, sweets brighten up my day. i shall eat more sweets ! haha
working was fine, relief metro tampines and got to see handsome SAM. haha tomorrow is a holiday, i'm working full shift yawn. i'm getting used to the place and environment now, so now my motivation of going to work is back. ohwell, the sad thing is JASON is quitting ! noone tells me stories ): if new in-charge taking over, and if i happy working with him/her, i'll stay. if not, i might tender it depends on the situation.
i wasn't very happy this morning, because i was tired ? pissed off by some stupid stuffs, but still sleep and sweets lighten up my day (:
stupid tek, must be enjoying himself at taiwan lah wah lao! haha we're going to watch pirates of carribean soon! wait till he's back haha. feeling~
gary is so naggy, keep asking me to SLEEP and REST! another feeling~
i decide to not care everything which doesn't concern me, like some particular people his actions and words whatever doesn't concern me at all and i won't give a damn fuck. this way my life will be better and COLORFUL - i like to use the word COLORFUL. haha
i LOVE my friends - i'm grateful to have people to care for me!
FRIENDS , i miss them all (:
i didn't forget 'bout you, i'm thinking of you everyday (:
hello. everything was alright now. going to metro tampines to work later. i'm like running all over the places to relief people for work. haha. but it's fine with me la. hahai'm trying not to care everything, it should be the best way i think. if i care, i'm giving myself stress and making myself so depressed. why should i ? treating this kind of bastard dont have to be nice to them. well, i don't care lo! as long as i know what i'm doing that's good enough. haha.laziness ruins my life. i'm TOO lazy la! i need my motivation (: i miss my sisters. i miss my 4F class. and i miss everything i'd in secondary school, that'll be a wonderful and colorful parts of my life, and it's true! i miss you
i feel so sianned. don't know why - maybe i don't like my class and i'm serious.when comes to groupings, everyone starts to throw weapons, knifes and swords everywhere and to each other. can imagine that ? so scary can. and like stab here stab there - ended up everyone got so unhappy. maybe this is the time to see a person's true color. i totally lost my motivation of going to school and i'm feeling terrible just because of a particular person. but anyway, i'm not going to give a damn fuck. haha, i got to vent all my frustrations at gary. xD but was alright, he still managed to give me piece of advice. and i'm okay now. my nice friend in class - sab. she and me got lectured from class tutor. must be some particular person saying some fucking stuffs to lecturer la. but aiya, you think i give a damn. me and sab are the most slackest in class, but that benefits too. aiya, i don't care la. why make myself so stressed and troubled over that. take things easy la, think also like that, dont think also like that. end up it's still back to the same thing. sometimes, i've to occupied myself with work to prevent me from my anyhow thinking. and i'm feeling terrible but i don't know what's behind it! FUCK la! i'm missing you.
wellos. i feel like bloggin again. why am i always so sad? i'm always forcing myself to do something which i really don't want / like !and the feeling sucks canand i finally realised i can't click well with them.i need to work to support myself, and of course it's a NEED. and i obviously don't have the time to do projects with them. and i do feel bad too. i hope they can understand la, seriously. though school work is ALOT more important than work. but, i seriously no interest in what i'm learning now! but i've to force myself to mug hard ! i'm not slacking, or maybe i am. i've no idea. i only know i'm doing extra work, and they don't seem to understand.so well fine. i won't beg anything of course. so i'm using my own strength to do what i'm suppose to do! AND I HATE PROJECTS LA CAN!i'm afraid.i wish i could just leave ):
hellos. today was fine - working was alright , i just realised how pathetic and sad katong can be. lot 1 is much more livier and happier than katong. katong is just so much loneliness and BORING i can say. nevermind, sooner or later i'll get used to it (: life is full of ups and downs, isn't it ? yes. but it's just too much of ups and downs which make me feel so sick and tired of it. but it seems like the percentage of downs are much higher than ups. i'll take and accept whatever god has plan and give me. this is just the way it is, so just take it.and i hate it. i just hate it so much!how i wish i could just leaveand suck it ! ):
hello. i decided to quit canoeing already. it's quite sad la, but sometimes we have to sacrifice in order to gain something. i sacrifice my canoeing, and i want to concentrate on my studies, work, family friends and everything. too many trainings, and i can't cope. plus im still working. so i think it's better for me to give up this. maybe i'll find another cca which only like 1 or 2 trainings. i don't mind . and water sports is currently out, as you know i can't swim very well. though there's something called life vest. but i'm like putting my own life at risk. so it's better not. well well, i quit canoeing. i will have 3 more free days for friends and myself ! it's better isn't it. (: if i stayed because of friends, then i don't think it stands a worth. furthermore, i'm losing interest in it. volleyball, hockey and touch rugby are now on my consideration list. at least, all this trainings don't take up too many days. i'll see how it goes. noone accompany me. sucks. And i seriously HATE elearning week la. i rather go school can. what elearning week ! ><and i want join SRC ! sigh, and again noone there to join with me ): what a pity!i miss you.
hello. why does rain always make me feel like sleeping more ? hahaha was actually intending to go for training today. but was so lazy today, ahli msged me said she's not going for training. another rest day at home (: sorry sherwin, ps you ! hmmm, i'm so so so lazy nowadays la. my mind isn't with me all the times. don't feel like this, don't feel like that. haha. actually , i've been thinking over it for quite sometimes. i feel like quitting canoeing. but something stopped me. and i don't know what is it too. i'm afraid so much afraid. afraid, i might neglect my studies, my work, my friends, my family and my everything. it just took up too much of my time. i'll consider again, i'm giving it a second thought. i'll see how things go.i'd never thought i need you there when i crywhen you walk away, i count the steps you takedo you see how much i need you right now ?when you're gone, the words i need to hear to always get me through the days.everything that i do, reminds me of youi love the things that you doi miss you
tell me that i can . 2 weeks later is term test . am i going to sit there and do nothing ? or am i going to pull up my socks and start mugging now ? but i just don't have the mood everything feel sian to me. jinghua said my heart is in australia that's why everything also sian. really meh. hahaha maybe ? everything over there worries me . and i've been thinking almost everyday. aiya! i'll also get heartache mahokay la. rested for so many days i guess it's time for me to get my butt moving . so i promised ahLi i will be going back training tomorrow ! so i hope i won't faint tomorrow ((: i miiss everyone .i'll also miss you i'll also get worried for youbut will you ?
bored. i been down with fever like 4 days. temperature went up and down like nobody business. been sleeping for the past 3 days. like a dead . -.- missed lessons, missed work. i guess i sure flunk my modules like siao . hur, god help me la! see me been working, training, studying and didnt get enough rest right. now want let me rest but wrong timing la huh. ): haha.when can i get rid of that fat girl's curse! damn.i'm willing to wait, trust me xD now i know, looks are really nothing. don't say this person's taste good or bad. is how the way you see it. of course i do envious people who has good apearance with a good looking person. maybe this is what they deserved. what's so bad 'bout being single. i LOVE being single. though, in love can be sort of happiness. it's just the way how you see it. (:i can be happy!
today i learnt something, inspirated by Gilbert's theory. LOL
whatever Gilbert said, i think it sounds abit quite right. xD
so, what's on my mind is. i will continue to ----
do what i'm supposed to
and obviously, "----" is out of picture now. erm, i think so. haha!
and i will like wait, yes wait i think xD
SP's feng shui too good, good until i scare. -.-
i miss alot of people.
hahaha. okay today i pon afternoon lesson, i pon training.sucks hahai wanted to watch spiderman 3, but stupid tek pangseh me! ): first is tricia, then feesh after that all dont want watch because they watched already. also not ask them pay! got free one dont want watch. LOLme and tek were 'fighting' at kfc. hahaha! stupid. we were like wanted to press on each others' fingers. end up he bent my finger like nobody business la! hahaha ><then we shared stories! i told him mine, he told me his. hahah!
this is tek. see his idiotic face? do you feel like smacking him? hahaha! xDD behind that cool guy is feesh! haha xP
i got a very very very very BAD sunburn. AND it got the shape of my fbt singlet can. LIKE SO OBVIOOUSS LA! . now i'm just like a cooked prawn. so -.- PAIN CAN! hahaha . was down for training at kallang today. there's no sun today but yet i got burnt like badly! oh fuCK. okay, then what else. after training went back to school. was actually intend to support our seniors. but then ah, their matches like ended . like dots nevermind, then we (me, yanli & clarissa) and those seniors - people like, gary, charles, johnny, .......i don't know their names!! haha okay like whatever. we went to fareast to have our dinner. and aiya the guys are funny la. -.-then like our gang too big, there's no place that we can slack. after that i dont know what happened. b'cause the rest continue to walk around. so me, yanli and johnny just go off la! ahahah. like whatever.**you think i care?